Sustainability in the Wool Industry
Several sustainable integrity platforms have recently come into the marketplace. Most rely on wool from non-mulesed or ceased-mulesed sheep.
Nutrien Ag Solutions does not align itself with any particular platform but will assist growers with information should they wish to follow this direction for marketing their wool.

Integrity Platforms
Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)
The Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) verifies wool animal welfare and land management requirements and tracks it from farm to final product.

New England Wool SustainaWOOL Integrity Scheme
It requires wool from non-mulesed sheep but will also accept the use of pain relief in the process. They have a strong focus on animal welfare along with accreditation of growers and auditing.

Care Superfine Merino
Care Superfine Merino is a branded scheme aimed at sourcing Australian superfine wool for supply to Loro Piana in Italy. It targets growers producing 15 to 17 micron superfine wool from non-mulesed sheep and requires a declaration of mulesing practices. Care Superfine Merino will accept wool from properties which have ceased mulesing.