Powered by our people: Rachel Beer

When Rachel Beer accepted a Merchandise Manager position with Nutrien Ag Solutions, she packed up her things and moved to Coleambally, a small rural town which is now her home and community. 

What does your role involve? 

As Merchandise Manager, I look after the orders and procurement for the branch, am often the first point of contact for customers when they come in, deal with customer product enquiries and I am often out doing deliveries on farm. 

What are some of the key skills required to be successful in your role? 

You need to be people orientated and have good customer service skills, be adaptable and flexible as things can change quickly in agriculture and farming, be willing to work hard and be dedicated in the job so you can achieve the best results for your customers. 

How does your role contribute to the wider Nutrien purpose? 

I know that I work in an invaluable industry, as the work we do literally contributes to feeding and clothing the world. We need to be at the top of our game in servicing our customers as our work here at Nutrien directly influences the businesses and livelihoods of our customers. 

What do you enjoy the most about your job? 

I love my job because I am a part of an essential industry – that being agriculture and farming. I love that I can live and work in a small rural area and make real connections with members of the community. 

Can you share some of your career journey to date? 

I started with Nutrien only a few months after finishing uni. Began as a Merchandise Graduate in Wagga. I had the opportunity to do some short-term secondments while being based out of the Wagga branch which gave me a great opportunity to see how different branches and businesses are run and expand my Nutrien network. These secondments included some time in Narrandera in late 2021 and I also seconded to Nyngan for 6 weeks in early 2022. These opportunities enabled me to develop my technical and leadership skills and connect me with different people, products and services across the business. 

The experience I had participating in Nutrien’s Graduate Program helped develop me to where I am today – from the professional development and leadership workshops, to being able to connect and meet with fellow graduates from across the country where we were all able to share experiences and encourage each other in our career journeys. The program really helped me to create some lasting friendships. 

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? 

I love to visit my Grandparent’s farm whenever I get the chance. This is where I grew up and this was what sparked my love for agriculture and small communities and led me into an agricultural career. In my spare time I love to spend time with my 4-month-old lab x puppy, Nellie, play netball during winter and maybe do some baking on the weekends. 

What’s a recent accomplishment you’re proud of? 

Taking on the Merchandise Manager position was a big step for me – moving to a new town where I knew no one and exposing myself to new farming enterprises was challenging. I felt very supported by the Nutrien network around me and have found that there is never a shortage of people waiting on the other end of the phone or an email to help at any time. Taking on the new role with leadership responsibilities has enabled me to be build confidence in my own abilities, while also to never be afraid to put your hand up and ask for help and understanding that there is always so much to learn. 

What makes you excited about working in the ag sector? 

I love being part of such a valuable industry, where I know I play a part (even if it is small) in helping to feed and clothe the world. Everyday I’m excited that I get to work with some of the most motivated, hard-working, and forward-thinking individuals you can find. It is so rewarding being part of a small, rural community where agriculture is at the centre of what we do, and the people are genuine and down-to-earth. 

For more information on how you can grow your career with Nutrien Ag Solutions visit: Careers | Nutrien Ag Solutions