Nutrien and Cargill collaborate on lower emission canola pilot in Southern NSW
The trial is bringing together Nutrien’s expertise in on-farm nutrient management practices and technology, with Cargill’s access to grain market customers, to work with farmers who are interested in contributing towards decarbonising the canola supply chain.
David Stanko, Head of Commercial Sustainability, Nutrien Ag Solutions, says the pilot is focused on demonstrating a capacity to reduce emissions from canola production whilst maintaining or increasing yield and profitability.
“Working with the whole ag value chain allows us to better understand how emerging sustainability drivers will impact our customers. This collaboration with Cargill will allow our growers to explore opportunities for short term market premiums and longer-term access solutions,” says Mr Stanko.
Charles Starkings, Sustainability Field Manager North East, Nutrien Ag Solutions, says this stage of the trial involves 10 canola growers in southern NSW.
“At least 1000Ha of canola will be planted in April and harvested around November this year as part of the trial. We are currently working with growers and completing an emissions baseline of their current canola operations, putting a plan in place to use different sustainable products and change practices, and then we’ll complete another emissions baseline to verify the change. We are targeting a 20-25% reduction in emissions in this work,” says Mr Starkings.
Pictured: Charles Starking, Sustainability Field Manager North East, Nutrien Ag Solutions,
Ben Fargher, Environmental Markets Lead, Cargill Asia Pacific, says the aim is to link producers with sustainability opportunities in the market.
“Our purchasing customers are demanding decarbonisation, it is a space that just continues to grow. Our grower customers have already done a lot of this sustainability work already, much of it through necessity in managing our variable climate. So, the next step is supporting them to access new potential market opportunities,” says Mr Fargher.
“We are really pleased to be working with Nutrien on this initial pilot with a shared vision of reducing environmental impact and improving economic outcomes for farmers,” says Mr Fargher.
For more information on how Nutrien is transforming agriculture, visit our Sustainability page.
Pictured: Ben Fargher, Environmental Markets Lead, Cargill Asia Pacific