Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants Program supports community arts in Moora
From textile arts, painting, music, and dance, to cooking classes, gardening, maternity support and after school programs, it is treasured by the community as a space to be creative and share knowledge and experiences. It is a safe and relaxing place where intergenerational and indigenous connections are valued and supported.
Tim Collins, Branch Manager of Nutrien Ag Solutions Moora is excited that the project has an arts focus – “Outside of the city we don’t get a lot of access to the arts. The room is multipurpose, there will be space for regional artists to exhibit their work, and ballet classes for our local kids. It’s a great thing to have.”
Nyree Taylor, Gardiner Street Arts Collective Creative Director said that a refreshed space will allow for even more community connection than before – “The Harmony Room will act to foster creativity and connection. We will also install exhibition display boards for artists’ works. We see this space being used for a multitude of activities that build capacity and amplify the community as well as provides access and services to the vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in our community”.
This project was funded by the Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants Program.