Celebration for graduates from Nutrien Graduate Program
The two-year Graduate Program saw participants gain exposure and experience across a range of agricultural streams including agronomy, agribusiness and corporate agriculture, along with leadership and skill-building workshops, and mentoring from business leaders. Graduates were rotated across a range of locations or disciplines, providing them with opportunities to build their professional networks, confidence and skillsets.
Angus Lange, Agronomy Graduate at Keith, South Australia said the diversity of the program made it an invaluable experience.
“Seeing different farming systems across Australia, developing the professional skillset to communicate with clients and meeting other grads from across the country who are also starting out their careers has broadened by understanding of what it means to be an agronomist. It’s a great program, in a great company and I’d encourage any current participants to take in as much as possible from the mentors, leaders and training offered.”
Fellow South Australian, Sam Smith, Agronomy Graduate at Kadina said the opportunity to learn about the financial and global aspects of the business have helped to broaden his horizons.

“The scale of a business like Nutrien has provided us with the opportunity to learn about a range of production systems, from broadacre cropping to horticulture, and visit a variety of farms across the country. I’m about to move to Murray Bridge, where I’m looking forward to creating a relationship with growers in my new area and contributing to the branch.”
Critical to the success of this program is the mentoring and coaching provided by Nutrien’s General Managers, Farm Services team, Corporate teams, HR Managers and the branches that host the graduates.
For more information on the Nutrien Ag Solutions Graduate Program, visit our website: Nutrien Ag Solutions Graduate Program | Nutrien Ag Solutions